연구원 활동


아산정책연구원은 2014년 5월 30일(금) 유엔 북한인권조사위원회(COI)의 마이클 커비(Michael Kirby) 위원장을 초청하여 라운드테이블 및 기자간담회를 개최하였습니다.

일시: 2014년 5월 30일 (금), 오후 12시 – 2시 30분
장소: 아산정책연구원 4층 회의실



The Hon. Michael Kirby served as the Justice of the High Court of Australia from 1996 to 2009. He also served as the President of the International Commission of Jurists (1995-98), member of UNESCO International Bioethics Committee (1996) and President of the Court of Appeal of Solomon Islands (1995-1996). He was member of the World Health Organisation’s Global Commission on AIDS (1988-1991) and Special Representative of UN Secretary-General for Cambodia (1994-96). In 2013 the Hon. Kirby was appointed to head the UN commission of inquiry to investigate human rights violations in the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea His special concerns have included human rights, the rule of law, the independence of the judiciary and the impact of science and technology on society and its laws. In the past he has been involved in issues raised by HIV/AIDS, including sexuality and the law.